Dungeons of Dredmor Wiki

RenaldxD RenaldxD 19 August 2017

DoD references!

So I have been noticing a trend through the years I've played Dungeons of Dredmor... 

References. The creators of the game have the best kind of humor: The kind where you quote a movie and wait for people to get it. In this case, it's not only movies, but other games too, and basically anything they can.

Now, I don't get all the references, but I'm still interested. If anyone knows about any references in the game, post them here please? I'll list the ones I have and we can go on from there.

  • "His name is robert paulson" this one I looked up, and it's a reference to the movie Fight Club (1999) 
  • In the Emomancy skill tree, one of my friends noticed lyrics from My Chemical Romance's 'Welcome to the Black Parade'. 'Mark of the Black Eyeliner's desc…
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RenaldxD RenaldxD 17 August 2017

Dungeons of Dredmor

Dungeons of Dredmor is a great game and you should play it. Lol

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